- "Arsenal Coal Redux - Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies Trumped by the Pa Declaratory Judgment Act," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), Spring, 2016
- "Ethical Issues in Water Law and Regulation," Presenter in a Continuing Legal and Professional Education Seminar entitled: "Pennsylvania Water Laws and Regulations," Sponsored by Half Moon Education, Inc., February 4, 2016, Plymouth Meeting, PA
- "Minimizing Environmental Liabilities in Commercial Real Estate Transactions," Presenter in a Continuing Legal Education Seminar entitled: "Ultimate Guide to Commercial Real Estate Law," sponsored by the National Business Institute, December 9, 2015, Philadelphia, PA
- "EPA's Chesapeake Bay TMDL Permit Upheld in Third Circuit Decision," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), Winter, 2015
- "Tour the Westtown School Lake and Dam Restoration Project," Presenter and Course Planner of a Continuing Legal Education Seminar entitled: "Tour the Westtown School Lake and Dam Restoration Project," sponsored by the Chester County Bar Association and the Environmental Law Section, October 23, 2015, West Chester, PA
- "Environmental Issues in the Foreclosure Process," Presenter in a Continuing Legal Education Seminar entitled: "Pennsylvania Forecloses and Workouts," sponsored by the National Business Institute, August 10, 2015, King of Prussia, PA
- "EPA Issues Jurisdictional Waters Regulatory Definition - WOTUS Reaches a Rolling Boil," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), Fall, 2015
- "Stream Buffers May be Breached - Amendments to Section 402 of the Pa Clean Streams Law Signed into Law," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), Summer, 2015
- "Ethical Issues Associated with Representing the Managers," Presenter and Course Planner of a Continuing Legal Education Seminar entitled: "Tour the Victory Brewing Company Parkesburg Plant, " sponsored by the Chester County Bar Association and the Environmental Law Section, October 17, 2014, Parkesburg, PA
- "The PA Environmental Rights Amendment: Lycoming CCCP Weighs In," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), Winter, 2014
- "U.S. Supreme Court 'Lays to Rest' Private Party Superfund Tort Suit -- The Statute of Repose Awakens," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association, Fall, 2014
- "Ethical Issues Associated with Representing the Public Utility - Who is the Client? and Other Knotty Issues," Presenter and Course Planner of a Continuing Legal Education Seminar entitled: "Tour the Pa American Coatesville Drinking Water Treatment Plant, " sponsored by the Chester County Bar Association and the Environmental Law Section, June 25, 2014, Coatesville, PA
- "PA Supremes Breathe New Life into Article 1, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association, Summer, 2014
- "A New (Wet) Season for Municipal Stormwater Ordinances in Chester County," New Matter (newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), Winter 2013-2014
- "Advanced Issues in Real Estate Law," Presenter, National Business Institute Continuing Legal Education Seminar, December 4, 2013, Philadelphia, PA
- "Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation," Presenter and Moderator, Lorman Education Services Continuing Legal Education Seminar, November 20, 2013, Allentown, PA
- "Ethical Issues Associated with Representing the Municipal Entity," Presenter and Course Planner of a Continuing Legal Education Seminar entitled: "Tour the Goose Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant," sponsored by the Chester County Bar Association and the Environmental Law Section, September 25, 2013, West Chester, PA
- "A Tale of Two Valuations: High Courts in Pa and NJ Issue Just Compensation Rulings in Eminent Domain Proceedings," New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), September, 2013
- "Pennsylvania Foreclosures and Workouts," Presenter, National Business Institute Continuing Legal Education Seminar, August 7, 2013, 2011, Philadelphia, PA.
- "Gasoline Deliveries to Gas Station Do Not a Tank Operator Make – PA Storage Tank Act Decision Refuses Invitation to Expand Definition of Operator," New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), July-August, 2013.
- "Stare Decisis Prevails: Marcellus Shale Gas Not Included as Part of Historical Coal Mineral Estate – Pa Supreme Court Upholds the Dunham Rule," New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), June, 2013.
- "No NPDES Point Source Discharge Permits Required for Stormwater Runoff from LoggingRoad Drainage Systems," New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), May, 2013.
- "Ethics, With an Environmental Flavor," Presenter and Moderator, Chester County Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Seminar, April 26, 2013, West Chester, PA.
- “Citizen’s Right to Initiate Environmental Rulemaking in Pennsylvania,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), March, 2013.
- “Is Storm Water a Pollutant? Federal Court in Virginia Says No to EPA Regulatory Effort,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), February, 2013.
- “Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation,” Presenter and Moderator, Lorman Education Services, February 19, 2013, Harrisburg, PA, and February 27, 2013, Philadelphia, PA.
- “PaDEP Implements Permit Decision Guarantee Policy,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), December, 2012.
- “New Oil and Gas Act Trumps Pennsylvania’s Environmental Amendment," New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), November, 2012.
- “Pennsylvania Sewer Rental Act at Issue in Municipal Squabbles,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), June, 2012.
- “Unanimous U.S. Supreme Court Tells U.S. EPA that Clean Water Act Compliance Orders are Subject to Pre-Enforcement Review,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), May, 2012.
- “Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (‘MS4’) Controls Get Tightened Up in New PAG-13,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), April, 2012.
- “Current Issues in Storm Water Regulation,” Presenter and Moderator, Lorman Education Services, January 10, 2012, Philadelphia and March 15, 2012, Bethlehem, Pa.
- "Environmental Issues in the Foreclosure Process," Presenter, National Business Institute, February 11, 2011, Philadelphia, PA.
- “NY Attorney General Invokes NEPA in Suit Demanding Gas Drilling Study,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), July/August, 2011.
- “MCLE Growing Like Topsy in Chester County,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), December, 2011.
- “PA Drought Warnings Lifted — Record Rainfall in August — Stormwater and Water Management Implications,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), October, 2011
- “Eastern District Federal Judge overturns $6.5 Million Jury Verdict Against Four PaDEP Employees: Alleged Unlawful Action Was Within Scope of Official Duties — Immunity Rules, Damages Drool,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), June, 2011.
- “Electronic Recycling Mandated in Pennsylvania,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), January, 2011.
- “Low Stream Levels Prompt SRBC Water Withdrawal Restrictions,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), September, 2011.
- "Environmental Issues--Contaminated Property Transactions," Presenter, National Business Institute, December 8, 2010.
- “Attention Developers and Earth Movers: New PaDEP Erosion and Sedimentation Regulations Are Effective on November 19, 2010,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), December, 2010.
- "Legal Ethics & the Role of Lawyers in Recycling," Presenter, joint Chester County Bar Association/Montgomery County Bar Association CLE, December 1, 2010.
- “Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Controls Get Loosened Half a Notch,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), September, 2010.
- “Pay Attention Developers: PaDEP Erosion and Sedimentation Regulations Poised to Change,” TRA Communiqué, June 2010, and New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), July/August, 2010.
- “Recent PaEHB Decision Affirms Agency Scrutiny of Sewage Planning Modules in Exceptional Value Watersheds: Does It Matter Anymore Whether the Method of Sewage Disposal is a Non-Discharge Alternative?,” TRA Communiqué, May 2010.
- “Can Pennsylvania Farmers Save the Bay? REAP May Help,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), April 2010.
- “Still Not Sure that Climate Change Affects Your Business? - SEC Adopts Climate Change Disclosure Guidance,” TRA Communiqué, February 2010.
- “What the Heck is a Nephelometric Turbidity Unit? If You Discharge Stormwater, You Better Find Out Soon,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), February 2010.
- “EPA Announces ‘Consequences’ for Failure to Meet Cleanup Targets for Chesapeake Bay Restoration Plan,” TRA Communiqué, January 2010.
- “PA Post Construction Stormwater Discharge Permit: When Does a Non-Discharge Alternative Really Mean No Discharge,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), January 2010.
- Presenter, “Environmental Compliance in Design and Construction,” sponsored by HMS Continuing Education, December 2009.
- “Chesapeake Bay Restoration Plans Mean Tougher Standards for Dischargers of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sediment,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), November 2009.
- Presenter, “Green Buildings in Action: Tour the Dansko Facility in Kennett Square,” co-sponsored by the Chester County Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section and the Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce, November 2009.
- “Pollution, Indemnification, Successor Liability and Third Party Beneficiary Claims: Drafting Caution is Advised!” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), October 2009.
- “Chesapeake Bay Restoration Plans Mean Tougher Standards for Dischargers of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sediment,” Communiqué, September 2009.
- “Supreme Court Issues Decision Clarifying CERCLA ‘Arranger’ Liability and Apportionment of Liability: Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. U.S.,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), July/August 2009.
- “Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Controls Get Tightened Another Notch,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), June 2009.
- “Trio of Presidential Memos Aims to Reverse Bush Environmental Policies: Science Integrity, Endangered Species Act Consultation, and Signing Statements,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), May 2009.
- Presenter, “Tour the Lanchester Landfill – Pennsylvania Solid Waste Update,” co-sponsored by Chester County Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section and Chester County Solid Waste Authority, April 2009.
- “Looking for That Needle: Harder to Find, or Easier? US EPA Adopts ASTM Standard for Large Parcel All Appropriate Inquiry,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), April 2009.
- “Diesel Engine Anti-Idling Act Passed in Pennsylvania,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), March 2009.
- “Commonwealth Court Rules on SECCRA Landfill Expansion Remand,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), February 2009.
- “Local Zoning Setback Provisions Survive Preemption Challenge by Miner,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), January 2009.
- “PA Clean Indoor Air Act Becomes Effective on September 11, 2008 – Employers Risk Enforcement Unless Compliance Achieved – You Can’t Smoke ‘Em Even if You Got 'Em,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), December 2008.
- “Pa Climate Change Act Signed – Are You Still Skeptical About Global Warming?” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by Chester County Bar Association), November 2008.
- “Ethical Issues Presented in Environmental Cases (“Things Are Not Always What They Seem”)” sponsored by the Environmental Law Committee of Montgomery Bar Association entitled Environmental Initiatives in Alternative Energy and Sewage Planning, October 2008.
- “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (“SLAPP Suits”),” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), October 2008.
- “Stay on Top of Environmental Considerations” presented at the National Business Institute Seminar entitled Land Use Law: Current Issues in Subdivision, Annexation and Zoning, August 2008.
- “Does the ‘No-Contact Rule’ Apply with Respect to Contacts with Government Officials?”, New Matter (monthly newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), June 2008.
- “Ethical Issues in Agency Negotiations – Disclosure Issues and Risk Management,” co-sponsored by the Chester County Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section and the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry entitled Negotiating with Environmental Regulatory Agencies: How to Put Yourself in a Win/Win Position, April 2008.
- “Now Your ‘Right to Know’ May Actually Mean Something in Pennsylvania: 2008 Amendment Overhauls Existing Law,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), April 2008.
- “SECCRA Landfill Expansion Case Rages On: Pennsylvania High Court takes up MPC Procedural Issue and Remands,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), March 2008.
- “Pennsylvania Adopts Uniform Environmental Covenants Act – You Can Forget What You Learned About Equitable Servitudes,” New Matter (monthly newsletter published by the Chester County Bar Association), February 2008.